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    Essential Skills for Modern Nursing Professionals

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 16 / Words 4013
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 375


    Diabetes is a condition where a person's blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Glucose, which comes mostly from the food we eat, is the body's primary energy source. Insulin, a hormone, helps move glucose from the bloodstream into cells so it can be used for energy. In people with diabetes, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or can't use it effectively, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. This can cause various health problems.Diabetes cannot be cured but can be managed. Medical treatments and lifestyle changes can help control blood sugar levels and reduce complications. This report provides an overview of diabetes, including its health impacts and management strategies. It also outlines temporary solutions to minimize the effects of diabetes and discusses an action plan to raise awareness about the disease and its causes. Various preventive measures are also explored.

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    For the information, there are different sources that are possible. Each of the source is suitable for different condition. To transfer effective information about diabetes to people in the country. For these cases, a leaflet is selected for this purpose. This leaflet consists of the following: On an estimation, there are 415 million people around the world who are living their lives with diabetes. It is also considered that one of the eleven people is suffering form diabetes. There are also 46% of people around the world who are undiagnosed. It is a fact that this numeric figure of people who are suffering from diabetes will reach 642 million till 2040. That's why it is one of the main health concerns that needs to be studied in order to make more people aware of this issue and improve their lifestyle in order to prevent conditions such as diabetes. The number of people that are suffering from diabetes is still increasing (Bailey, 2016). There are some facts which are provided by the world health organization for scenario of people with diabetes. In 1980, there were 108 million people suffering from diabetes, and this number increased to 422 million in 2014. This problem is now also affecting people over the age of 18 and is a major concern to the health care societies. This is just a problem of blood sugar, but there are some issues that are connected to this problem that need to be considered in order to keep people healthy and safe from diabetes. A major concern is related to the issue where a large part of the adult generation is diagnosed with diabetes. The danger of diabetes is increasing in countries that are developing and have low source of income.

    The problems associated with diabetes are really difficult to handle. So main reason of selecting this topic is to make people aware of the problem of diabetes. All around world, 1.6 million people died of diabetes. The purpose of this research is to collect proper information which is related to diabetes. This topic is crucial to discuss developing an awareness in normal people to avoid unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles to avoid problems like diabetes. The purpose of the leaflet is to provide knowledge to people who are suffering from diabetes to make them more aware of preventions that can be used by them in order to reduce the risk of problems that can cause further damage to other organs of the body. The purpose of developing an action plan is to develop a system that is efficient to deliver proper information that enables the people. This is important to improve their routine practices and get a better lifestyle. The main objective of these reports is to cover all the perspectives needed to make effective developments. People around the world are aware of the name of diabetes, but they do not know the main reason for it. The research that has been performed is related to the medical field, but it is also important to conduct research from the perspective of people to make a proper base for new implementations in the health care organizations. Through this research, a base could be provided to health care organizations and other researchers to make and suggest effective changes in diabetes control procedures and campaigns.

    Diabetes is a chronic disease which is related to the level of blood sugar or glucose. There are two main reasons of diabetes that are usually evaluated in patients. The first one is about the issue in pancreas, where insulin is produced, is not working efficiently (Langenberg and Lotta, 2018). If less insulin Hormone is produced by pancreas, it will not be enough to transfer the glucose from blood to cells which are using it as energy source for functioning. The other condition is about insulin produced by pancreas is not capable of transferring glucose from blood to cells. On the condition of normal diabetes level, there are no issues visible in person and they do not need to get troubled. But if the level of glucose is not in normal condition, then it can cause different problems and damage to the body systems. For example Blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and lower limb amputation stroke can be caused by uncontrolled. In 2014 there are 8.5 adults who are 18 or more then 18 year old are suffering form diabetes. This is a major problem for the people who are suffering from it and it needs proper solution that can help the government and other health care organizations develop a system which is efficient to make people aware of this issue.

    Role of Glucose

    Glucose, normally known as sugar, is main source of energy for the human body. There are two main sources of sugar or glucose, in human body. One is food and other is lever. Sugar is absorbed in the blood and delivered to body cells through help of insulin. Glucose is stored in lever in form of glycogen As the blood sugar goes low, the lever breaks glycogen into glucose again and provides the required supply to blood.

    Role of Insulin

    The role of insulin is important in the functioning of human body. Mainly, insulin is produced by gland below stomach, which is known as pancreas.

    The proper process that is followed by insulin in human body. This process is. Pancreas secretes insulin in the blood on an initial level. This insulin circulates in blood along with blood sugar and helps glucose enter cells. The amount of blood sugar is reduced by insulin. As the blood sugar drops in blood, then pancreas stops producing insulin hormone to improve the level of blood sugar in blood.

    There are main three type of diabetes which are considered medically (Stefan, Häring and Cusi, 2019). These types of diabetes are type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and gestational diabetes.

    Type 1 diabetes:

    Type 1 diabetes is considered a condition where the pancreas is not producing the required amount of insulin and that is causing high blood sugar. In current time, it is not possible to cure this type of diabetes. There are different symptoms of type 1 diabetes that are visible in patients:

    1. Increased thirst is symptom of level 1 or type 1 diabetes.
    2. Frequent urine is also a problem with type 1 diabetes.
    3. Bed wetting is also common in children who were not previously not wetting the bed.
    4. Extreme hunger is also normally visible in people who are suffering form diabetes.
    5. Unintended weight loss is also an issue in type 1 diabetes.
    6. Irritability and frequently changes in mood are also trouble in this.
    7. Weakness and fatigue are also visible in patients.
    8. With the increasing level of diabetes, the vision of a person becomes more blurry and causes possible blindness.

    As these symptoms start appearing, the person should go to a doctor to get the right advice related to the health issues.

    Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

    There is no reason why type 1 diabetes has not been identified yet in the medical science. The possible reason behind these could be the immune system of the human body that used to kill bacteria accidentally starts killing the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. There are also some reasons that could be reasons for type 1 diabetes: genetic issues, exposure to external viruses, and environmental factors.

    Type 2 Diabetes

    It is a life long disease that keeps the body from consuming insulin the way it should be consumed.

    The people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes are resistant to insulin (Tao, Shi and Zhao, 2015). The main reason behind these is childhood obesity. This is also main reason of diabetes in children at low age

    Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

    1. 1. High Thirst
    2. 2. frequent urinating
    3. 3. Blurred vision
    4. 4. Cranky Behavior
    5. 5. A lot of (Hunger).
    6. 6. Feeling tingling in the fingers.
    7. 7. Wounds do not get recovered easily
    8. 8. Weight loss.
    9. 9. Getting more infections.

    Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

    1. Genetic issues
    2. Metabolic syndrome or issues.
    3. Too much glucose produced by lever by breaking glycogen in glucose.
    4. Problem in nervous system.
    5. 5. Broken beta cells.

    Gestational Diabetes

    This condition occurs during pregnancy when hyperglycemia with blood glucose values are above normal but less than the diagnostics of diabetes. It can increase level of complications at the time of child birth.

    Action Plan

    The action plan is used in this process to make the process of source development more efficient. action plan used for this process is an outline that is effective to fulfill the particular goals of organization. This outline helps the workforce to complete the task with in the deadline. There are different resources are used in nursing to make people aware of different thing. These resources consist of various kind of information that can be used to provide effective knowledge to the people who are required to know these factors. These resources are provided to the people in hard copy or soft copy (Gray-Burrows, Owen and Day, 2017). The main objective of preparation is to provide knowledge of diabetes through leaflet. This is basically consists of three columns in which specific information of diabetes is provided. There are different types of diabetes are discussed in the leaflet which are mostly common in people. On the initial level, it consists of basic information of diabetes, which is important to provide basic information of diabetes to the target people (van Beusekom et al., 2016). After the brief information of diabetes, the role of insulin and glucose is discussed in the leaflet. After this information, other three types of diabetes is provided in leaflet. Along with the types, different other information is also provided in the report. This leaflet also include the different symptoms of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. This is how the leaflet is used as resource for the health care organization to provide better efficient information to the target audience. There are different enablers and barriers in resource development process that is used for information transfer. The main advantages of leaflet are:

    Time Frame


    Week 1

    Week 2

    Week 3

    Week 4

    Information Gathering


    Data shortlisting





    Advantages of Leaflet:

    • 1. Leaflet are efficient to provide complete information to the people who are targeted by organization.

    • 2. Different vibrant colours are used in the leaflets to make it more attractive and attention-seeking.

    • 3. It also consists of different images and useful information that can help the organization save time and money in campaigns.

    • 4. Leaflets are efficient to use in the nursing sector to provide information to people.

    • 5. There is not much larger manpower required to prepare the leaflet.

    • 6. The production cost of leaflet is too low.

    • 7. The designs used in leaflet are efficient for providing detailed information to people.

    • 8. This leaflets are efficient to engage the people who are targeted by health care organization and government.

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    Barriers with Leaflet

    There are some disadvantages of leaflets that make this resource less effective than other sources of information that are used to provide information to a larger audience (McClinchy et al., 2015). The main barriers with leaflets are:

    1. 1. There is too much information is provided in the leaflet and it makes it less attractive.
    2. 2. As compared to other sources of information, leaflets are less attractive and creative.
    3. 3. This is really difficult for the people to convey message along with leaflet that should be provided with leaflet.
    4. 4. It is required to provide additional information with it to make it more effective.
    5. 5. People can directly avoid or discard the leaflet just by simple rejection.
    6. 6. If less effective design is used in the process, then it can face rejection by the target audience.
    7. 7. Most of the information provided in the leaflet is productive, but without proper explanation, it can turn into passive information.
    8. 8. It needs too much information to provide better-sorted information to the target people.
    9. 9. To share proper information, it requires taking permission from authority to share such kind of data with other people.

    Cost of Implication




    Data Shortlisting



    Designing Process



    Information Gathering



    Implementation cost



    Circulation Cost



    Distribution Cost



    Total Cost



    Resources that are Required for the process

    There are also some resources are required in process to make complete leaflet. The main considerable resources are online sources, human resources, and electronics devices like computers, printers, and scanners. For the preparation of leaflets and for the transportation of leaflets, various methods of transportation are used.

    Smart Targets

    • Collection of medical Data that is required to make effective leaflet.

    • Develop effective and attractive design for the leaflet.

    • Implementation of data and information together in the selected design.

    • Provide leaflets in circulation to target public.


    Gibbs reflective cycle that is produced by Graham Gibbs is one of the best self-reflection tool that is used by people to explain their self-experience in practical way (Husebø, O'Regan and Nestel, 2015). There is a cycle that is followed in the process that is represented below. This cycle moves clockwise.


    In this process, we need to prepare a source that is providing effective knowledge of diabetes to the people who are targeted by the health care organization. For these process, we required different types of information that are effective in order to achieve the organizational goals properly (Hilliard, James and Batt, 2017). This is important for the leaflet to collect deep information in order to deliver the best knowledge to people who will be reading this leaflet letter. Initially, different resources were reviewed that could be used as resources to deliver information to target audience. To develop informative leaflet, various resources and designs has been analyzed, which can provide better document to provide relevant information to the target audience. Later, the leaflet is selected as a way to deliver proper information. There are several reasons of selecting the leaflet for information delivery to people. Diabetes is major concern for people and different countries, which consist of most people suffering from the disease. So, it was important for us to discuss different type of data in the leaflet to make it more informative and effective to develop understanding in people. In the process of developing leaflet, different people were involved to develop best document.The complete process that is followed in order to make an informative leaflet that can provide better information related to diabetes to medical officials and other people who should be aware of these issue related to health.


    This was really tough task to lead the team that was formed to design and find proper resources for data collection. It was quite an uncertain feeling to lead a complete process and team. In team, I have worked as facilitator who was responsible for making arrangements for specific activities. (Smith and Roberts, 2015). In the process of resource development, we have faced various challenges that are related to the utilization of data and information for informative leaflet of diabetes. This leaflet consists of data that is critically providing information on diabetes. Team members were comfortable during the whole process because the task of leaflet development was full of creativity and innovations. The process of information gathering was very difficult and the information which is provided in the leaflet is cross-checked to make it more relevant and useful for people.


    There was proper procedure was followed in order to prepare the leaflet, which is efficient to hold all information that is required to deliver to the target audience. This leaflet consists of information about causes, risks, preventions and controlling processes. Most of time was spent in the data collection process, where the information was collected from primary and secondary sources and verified from different authorities. In this period, different kinds of various resources have been reviewed, which are authenticated and authorised by medical supervisors. It took around 10 days to collect whole information regarding diabetes (Tawanwongsri and Phenwan, 2019). The next step of preparing leaflet was to make effective design that is suitable to attract people to read this informative resources. The process of designing leaflet was around 5 days where design of leaflet has prepared. For the next step, implement the design and data together to prepare fully functional leaflet for circulation. This step took 2 days where the required data is shortlisted in process to make leaflet more short and effective for reader. Further, the packaging and transformation process took 3 days and next distribution was performed in 4 days. This is how the complete leaflet was produced in 24 days, including its transaction to the target people. To complete these projects, different challenges were faced in process. The main issues were faced in process are related to data collection and data short-listing and verification because it is too difficult to understand the medical data and ensure that information used in Leaflet is correct or not. I helped other team members to complete their task efficiently and I also supervised the whole process that was followed in process to prepare proper leaflet. We have learned various things in the information gathering and short listing process that are related to diabetes. Also in this process, we have gathered various type of information that can be used by the health care organization to make patients and their relatives aware of consequences of this disease.

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    There are too many things I have learned from the process of preparing leaflet for nursing purposes. In this process, I have learned different skills and knowledge that can be utilised further in life. Things I have learned in the process are related to medical field (Emery and Chang, 2017). It has overviewed the whole information that is prepared in data and information collection process. There are both positive and negative impact of these project in my professional career. The core skills that I have learned through this process have made me more efficient in my work. I have analysed that information source like leaflet are less effective than other sources like Presentation. But these sources are not efficient to get flexibility of time and place.

    This was a good experience for me to lead a team that is preparing the resources for nursing operations. The main objective of this leaflet preparation task is to develop a basic informative resource that is effective for providing information to other people (Tesh and Kautz, 2017). In this project, different type of tasks have been completed in the process of the leaflet development process. It was a good learning process for me to be a part of the team that is operating in this field.


    This report is concluding the importance and development process of different informative resources that are used by the health care and nursing organization to deliver effective knowledge to people who are targeted by the organizations. In this report, a brief information of diabetes has been provided, which is important for the people who might use this information to improve their lifestyle. As per different organization on global level, it is important to develop understanding in people to make changes in their eating habits, which can reduce the chances of diseases or disorders like Diabetes. Online assignment help can assist in structuring such reports effectively. There are different possible sources that can be used in the process of information transfer to target people. The advantages and disadvantages of leaflet have been considered in the report to improve the application of leaflet in this situation. To deliver complete knowledge of diabetes and its causes, it is important for health care organization to use a source that is effective to provide complete information. For this report, Leaflet has been selected as the informative source. In the initial part, detailed information about diabetes has been discussed in the report, which is collected for people who need this information to get a better and healthier lifestyle. The brief rationale is provided for the selection of the proper resource that will be used to deliver effective information about diabetes to the target audience. The action plan has been developed in the process to provide better data to people. In the action plan, the whole process of leaflet planning has been discussed. The Gibbs model has also been used in this study to present effective information to people about how the whole process of leaflet development was performed.

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